What is Not Seen

Great images don't just happen.  Well... rarely, when all the stars align and every element is already in its place, a photographer will be at the right place at the right time and will happen to have the right equipment in hand to capture that once in lifetime shot.   Problem is, few photographers can base their career on "once in a lifetime shots".    The vast majority of us have to create their photographs through creativity, skill and experience.

Every photographer makes decisions  on what to show in the a photograph as often as what not to show.  Do we show the whole television in a guest room if it means cutting off more of the bed on the other side of the frame?  How much ceiling do we show as opposed to how much floor?  These are straight forward decisions of framing a shot, which a photographer will make based on experience and intuition to create an image which will guide the viewer to the places in the frame we want them to see as easily and naturally as possible.  We emphasize the important elements, while  at the same time creating a dynamic and interesting image.  The next step is to create an image that is pleasing and brings out textures, lighting and colors that are interpreted in an attractive manner.  The final check, is to ensure that the resulting image and all of the styling, lighting and compositional decisions made to create it produce an image which will sell the property by romancing and drawing in the potential guest.

By the time we are done with the process, all of what goes into creating these images is transparent to the untrained eye, so we have put together a section on our website that shows before and after images of some photographs we have created for Hotels, Restaurants and other clients.    The "before" images are the beginning stage of the process of the photography, without our lighting, file processing and retouching.  The after image is what we delivered the client. below is one of the sample before and afters.  For more visit our  website

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